Post Buying Blues!!

Well not exactly ¨Blues¨ but you need to take care of some minor business after you have the keys to your new place in your hands.

1 – You need to transfer the CFE ( Electric )  account into your name.  Not that simple of a task here in Mexico. These are the windows that you need to jump through to get this job done.

  1. At the closing you need to get a transfer letter signed by the seller.
  2. You need to take this transfer letter plus the first few pages of the pre-deed document to the CFE office.
  3. You need copies of this pre-deed document, copy of your passports and of course a copy of your transfer letter to give to the CFE people.
  4. Copy of your passport and a copy the sellers passport.

Now the next two are not as dramatic but similar steps are need except for B. 

2 – Seapal – The same as CFE.

3 – Internet – Different rules for different companies so hard to nail it down. 

Then there are yearly payments such as

1 – Property Taxes

2 – Trust yearly payments

Both are very easy to do but for some reason I end up paying these two items for several clients every year with of course being paid back the next time they are in town.

Other than these items you are left to enjoy your new purchase every single day that you are here. Oh shit!  the washer just blew a gasket!


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